
2010 - "If You Were Red Tonight" (cd-r album - dbr18)

2009 - "Dead Bees sampler #8" (cd-r compilation
- db -07)

2008 - "Cold Grey EP" (cd-r ep - dbr16)

2006 - "Dead Bees sampler #5" (cd-r compilation
- db -04)

2006 - "The fiction between us" (cd-r album
- dbr12)
Alone in 1982 is the same only different.
Formerly co-workers in the late (?) Nova Express, Matt and Joe have started
to play new songs during summer 2005 out of boredom, grief, simple kind
of joy and cigarette smoke. The band was never closed to other members
at first but there was never an urge for a third person. So it's just
drums and guitar. Beat and beaten.
Over the next monthes, they have recorded songs live with a four-track
recorder and some additionnal tracks at home. There is a kind of shambolic
reunion of indie pop smells on the resulting album "The fiction between
us". With no particular order or predominant influence, they are
proud to call in these names to describe their music : Ben Lee, Jonathan
Richman, Chokebore, The evens, Two Guys and Pavement. With
the kind help of F... the album is now ready. The cover business is being
processed by Rebuki.
So. It is almost ready. Hope you'll like it.