
2007 - "Dead Bees sampler #6" (cd-r compilation - db -05)

2006 - "Dead Bees sampler #5" (cd-r compilation - db -04)

2005 - "You've Always Known When Best to Say Goodbye" (cd albm + dvd - dbmo 33)

2005 - "Dead Bees sampler #4" (2 cd-r compilation - db -03)

2005 - "Dead Bees sampler #3" (cd-r compilation
- db -02)

2005 - "Nobody's Cool" (cd ep - 2002 -
dbmo 16)

2005 - "Your Simple Beauty" (cd ep - 2000
- dbmo 15)
happy new year everybody.
crazy. another new year is upon us and yet our new c.d. is still not out.
shocking. started rather humbly in may 2003, it is finally approaching
its finishing touches. just two more songs to mix, then it's mastering
time, then artwork, then off to the factory, then... argh... this is still
going to take forever. alas, no fear though, it will be complete soon
enough. let's put realistic estimates out there as a release date of the
1st of may 2005. how does that sound? if you want it faster, finance our
lives so we can quit our day jobs!
about that new c.d., it's shaping up to be quite
sizeable. after two short e.p.'s, we've really opened up the floodgates.
expect at least 15 new songs, plus some rerecordings (we have an incredible
drummer now so we strapped him down and gave a few old tunes some new